Judging Centers
The Pacific South (PAC South) Judging Region serves Southern California, Southern Nevada, and Arizona by providing Orchid Judging at regularly scheduled meetings and Orchid Shows upon request. Plants can be brought to any of the locations listed below.
San Diego
Judging Center
Location: Balboa Park
Address: 1549 El Prado, San Diego, California 92101
Room: Casa del Prado, Room 104
Meeting Date: Every first Tuesday of every month.
Meeting Time: Plant entries are due at 6:00PM, when judging starts. Change to: Plant entries begin at 6:00PM. Judging begins at 6:30PM.
Judging Center Chair: Phyllis S. Prestia
Contact: Phyllis S. Prestia (orchldy2@mac.com)
San Marino
Judging Center
Location: The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens
Address: 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, California 91108
Room: Usually the Botanical Center (Basement Floor), Atrium; (contact Brandon Tam for current information).
Meeting Date: Every second Saturday of every month, except March and October which has been cancelled.
Meeting Time: Judging in the Botanical Center starts at 10:00AM; plant entries must be submitted no later than 9:45AM. Outdoor judging may start later (contact Brandon Tam for current information).
Judging Center Chair: Michelle Dobard
Contact: Brandon Tam (btam@huntington.org)
Yorba Linda
Judging Center
Location: Yorba Linda Community Center
Address: 4501 Casa Loma Ave, Yorba Linda, CA 92886
Room: Classroom
Meeting Date: Every Third Wednesday of every month, except October which has been cancelled.
Meeting Time: Judging starts at 7:00PM; plant entries must be submitted no later than 6:45PM.
Judging Center Chair: Peter T. Lin
Contact: Peter T. Lin (minicatt99@yahoo.com)
Santa Barbara
Judging Center
Location: Maravilla, Gallerie Room
Address: 5500 Calle Real, Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Room: Greeting Room
Meeting Date: Every second Wednesday of every month.
Meeting Time: Judging starts at 7:00PM; plant entries must be submitted no later than 6:45PM.
Judging Center Chair: Jim Sloniker
Contact: Jim Sloniker (jimorchid@aol.com)
San Diego/Arizona
Judging Center
Location: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Preschool
Address: 3641 N 56th St., Phoenix, AZ 85018
Room: Room 12
Meeting Dates (2024): April 18, May 16, September 19, October 17, and November 2*
Meeting Time: Judging starts at 2:00PM; plant entries must be submitted no later than 1:45PM.
Judging Center Chair: Phyllis Prestia
Contact: Phyllis Prestia (orchldy2@mac.com)
*For September 19 (2:00PM) and November 2, 2024 (10:00AM) only, judging will be at new location and start time: Madison Church 6202 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85014.